Axis 4. Communication and organisation : discourses, processes and practices

Responsible : Yanita Andonova
Co-head : Nicolas Peirot

Theme 4 brings together the analysis of communication practices, discourses and processes within organizations in the broadest sense (companies, public institutions, associations, local authorities, cultural organizations). These are studied in the light of organizational transformations linked to the hegemony of managerial and commercial discourses, to the multiplication of injunctions and to the generalization of digital devices in a context of uncertainty.

The researchers are interested in the complex articulation between communication and organization by analyzing the tensions and issues at stake, the underlying logics as well as the communicational dynamics that unfold.

The research carried out in this framework studies the following themes in particular :

  • The professionalization of the function and its actors, the communication professions and professional practices
  • Discourses, narratives and the place of speech in the organization : production and circulation
  • The imaginary, the representations and the symbolic forms
  • Communicative injunctions at work : collaboration, agility, creativity, well-being, etc.
  • Processes of visibility and invisibility of individuals : valorization and recognition
  • Organizational change and its socio-economic and symbolic consequences : ethical issues, prevention of psycho-social risks, QWL, health at work
  • The communicational and organizational challenges of the digital technology : repositioning of professions, actors and strategies, digitalization of HR practices, platformization and gamification of work

Particular attention is paid to the methodological and epistemological approaches used in the study of organizations (relations between practitioners and researchers, between social demand and research), as well as to research conducted from an international perspective.

Several partnerships exist with professional associations, public organizations (AFCI, Anact) and research groups (Org&Co, Resiproc, Crea2S). The researchers are actively involved in scientific publications and in the organization of national and international events (seminars, study days, conferences).


INVITATION Seminar n°1 Com&Orga without borders

INVITATION Seminar n°2 Com&Orga without borders

INVITATION Seminar n°3 Com&Orga without borders

INVITATION Seminar n°4 Com&Orga without borders

INVITATION Seminar n°5 Com&Orga without borders



Cultural, educational and creative industries : reconfiguration of sectors and emerging logics


Public spaces : circulation of discourses and models


Innovations in communication : devices, standards and uses


– (2022) “Pour une approche géocommunicationnelle des organisations”(avec Nicole d’Almeida), Communication et organisation, n°62, pp.165-178.


Communication and organisation : discourses, processes and practices


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