Andonova Yanita

Position: Full professor

Areas of expertise: Organizational communication, digital transformations and ICT, creative paradigm and the creative industries, visibility and recognition of individuals in the workplace
Phone: contact Mamadou at Campus Condorcet
Location: Campus Condorcet, Bâtiment Sud, LabSIC, 8 Cours des Humanités, 93300 Aubervilliers, France


As a doctor in Information and Communication Sciences at CELSA (2004), Yanita Andonova specializes in the field of organizational communication and the analysis of digital technologies used by organizations (businesses, public organizations, associations, cultural institutes, healthcare networks). Since 2014, her work has focused on creativity in businesses and the cultural and creative industries, resulting in the launch of the international network Creative Shift Studies (, which she coordinates. In 2019, she obtained her HDR (qualified diploma to supervise research) from Université Bordeaux-Montaigne.

From 2009 to 2010, she occupied a position at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (CNAM), at the Direction Nationale des Formation (National Training Center), and as IT engineer on APEL (accreditation of prior experiential learning). In 2010, she obtained a position as an associate professor in the Information and Communication Sciences department and became head of the Master’s program in Communication and Human Resources. Since 2018, she has also been managing the Organizational Communication program. She was a visiting scholar at Salem State University (Massachusetts, USA) during the fall of 2018 and, as part of Erasmus+, a visiting scholar at the University of Economics in Varna (Bulgaria), at the Paissii Hilendarski University in Plovdiv (Bulgaria) and at the Panteion University in Athens (Greece).

In parallel to her scientific and pedagogical responsibilities, she has assumed several collective responsibilities at Université Sorbonne Paris Nord:

-Deputy Director at the department of Communication Science (2015-2018)

-Head of international relations and full member of the Commission for European and International Relations (2015-2020) within the Department

-Elected member of the Department Board as an associate professor (2014-2021)

-Elected member of the Expert Committee, Section 71 (since 2012), of various selection committees, and of the committee on qualifications equivalence.

-Elected member of the Research Committee at Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (USPN) and member of the restricted Academic Council (since 2020)

At the national level, Yanita Andonova was an elected substitute member of the National Council of Universities (CNU) – section 71 (2015-2019).

In September 2021, she was appointed full professor at USPN.

 List of research topics

Her three main avenues of research are:

3.1 Organizational communication

Yanita Andonova’s work falls within the field of organizational communication, which “encompasses communication technologies, practices, and processes that make up the dynamics of the social construction of organizations in a broad sense” (d’Almeida, Andonova, 2006). This work focuses on organizational transformations; information and communication practices; recognition processes for individuals; visible and invisible work (industrial, creative, intellectual, artistic).

3.2 ICT and digital technologies

Her work explores the appropriation and social uses of ICT and digital technologies, based on the interpretive modeling of three social processes: the idealization of technology, the normalization of ICT, and their legitimization in a professional context. Topics of interest include: digital practices (user experience, design, and cocreation); the impact of digital technologies on availability and dispersal in the workplace; new temporalities; digital skills; socioeconomic and symbolic issues at stake in smart objects, algorithms, and AI.

3.3 The creative paradigm and the creative industries

Her work explores two trends of Communication and Information Sciences: the cultural and creative industries, and organizational communication, investigating links between work and creativity. The aim is to examine different aspects of these links, which cover everything from the creative side of work to organized creativity, and from the organization of creativity to injunctions to creativity. Particular emphasis is placed on the creative city, crafts, and design.

 Current scientific, administrative, and pedagogical responsibilities

4.1 Coordinator of the International Network CREA2S (Creative Shift Studies), which focuses on the creative turn: This international network was created in 2017 at the instigation of fellow academics wishing to unite researchers and scientific teams around questions pertaining to the creative paradigm operating in various areas of contemporary economies. A collective dynamic gradually emerged between French and foreign scholars from Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Brazil, Poland, and Canada, with a view to investigating the future of the creative industries.

4.2 Principal investigator on the project: “Work and creativity: towards a proliferation of the model of the cultural industries? An international comparative approach,” supported by Labex ICCA, in partnership with MSH Paris Nord. The aim of the project (2016-2020) was to foster international momentum and to identify common issues shared across two lines of research in Communication and Information Sciences – one involving the cultural and creative industries, and one that falls within the scope of organizational communication – by investigating elements of connection between work and creativity. The team was made up of colleagues from a variety of research labs (LabSIC, Prefics, CERLIS, CEISME), disciplines (information and communication sciences, sociology, anthropology), institutions (Université Paris 13, Université Paris 3, Université Rennes 2, Plovdiv University, Panteion University, University of Venice) and countries (France, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy).

4.3 Co-principal investigator on the project: “Performance arts during the pandemic: the new challenges facing the industry,” supported by Labex ICCA (2020-2021). In France, the cultural sector has been seriously impacted by Covid-19, with a blanket shutdown of institutes, heritage sites, museums, theaters, concert venues, and movie theaters. This project explores the industry of the performing arts, particularly affected by the public health crisis, and how the industry can reinvent itself in order to survive. This project involves working hand-in-hand with a number of institutions, as well as conducting statistical work through data monitoring (number of viewers, ticket sales, and other sources of income), and surveying theater managers in France. The questions raised by professionals in charge of these institutions include the return of the public to venues, artists’ status, the timeline according to which productions would be released and produced, as well as the role and future of digital tools.

4.4 Scientific director at international conferences:
-International conference “Injunction to creativity, creating with constraints: parallels between the cultural industry and the professional world in the face of digital challenges,” ACFAS Congress, Montreal, Canada, 12-13 May 2014

-International conference “From the injunction to creativity to its implementation: parallels between the art world and the productive world” Nantes, MSH, April 9-10, 2015 (with support from the region as part of the Valeurs project)

-International conference “Investigating the creative turn: devices, processes and representations,” University of Economics of Varna, Bulgaria, June 7-9, 2017 (with support from Labex ICCA);

-International conference “Creative contagion. Media, industries, narratives, communities,” held at Pantéion University, Athens, Greece, from October 17 to 19, 2018 (with support from Labex ICCA and Greek institutional partners)

-A fifth international conference is scheduled for June 2022 at the University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria, on the topic “Crafts, design, creativity: in-between tradition and contemporaneity”


2019   HDR (qualified diploma to supervise research) in Information and Communication Sciences
Université Bordeaux Montaigne (France) & Title of HDR: Communication, work, and injunctions to creativity

2004   PhD in Information and Communication Sciences
CELSA – Université Paris IV – Sorbonne (France)
& Title of dissertation: The interconnection of technologies, discourses, and practices in industrial environments. Contribution to an approach of ICT uses

1999   DEA (Master’s equivalent): Identity and Symbolic Forms
Université de Nice – Sophia Antipolis (France) & Thesis: The impact of new communication technologies on the corporate world. An empirical study of groupware practices at Texas Instruments

1996   Maîtrise (Master’s equivalent): Information and Communication Sciences
Université de Nice – Sophia Antipolis (France) & Thesis: Intercultural management in multinational corporations: the case of Renault in Bulgaria

1996  University Diploma (DU) in Russian Language and Civilization (3 years)
Université de Nice – Sophia Antipolis (France)

1994  Bachelor’s Degree: Information and Communication Sciences
Université de Nice – Sophia Antipolis (France)

1990 High school diploma

French Lycée Frédéric Joliot-Curie – Varna (Bulgaria)

 5 most recent publications

ANDONOVA Yanita (2021), « Émergence et représentations de la créativité dans la pensée managériale américaine. Le cas de la Harvard Business Review », Questions de communication, 2021/2, n°39.

PFLIEGER Sylvie, ANDONOVA Yanita (2021), « Le spectacle vivant face à la privation culturelle », L’Observatoire des politiques culturelles, 2021/2, n°58, pp.21-24.

ANDONOVA Yanita (2019), Communication, travail et injonctions à la créativité, mémoire d’habilitation à diriger des recherches en Sciences de l’information et de la communication, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, 247p.

KOGAN Anne-France, ANDONOVA Yanita (2019), coordination dossier thématique « De quoi la créativité est-elle le nom ? », revue Communication, n°36/1, URL :

ANDONOVA Yanita (2019), « Algorithmic Management, Organizational Changes and the Digitalization of HR Practices: A Critical Perspective », in George E. Digitalization of Society and Socio‐political Issues 1: Digital, Communication and Culture, ISTE/Wiley, pp.27-37.

 Other publications of interest

ANDONOVA Yanita, KOGAN Anne-France (2019), « Réseau international Crea2S – Creative Shift Studies. Premier bilan et perspectives », RFSIC, n°16/2019. URL :

SAVIGNAC E., ANDONOVA Y. et al. (2017), Le travail de la gamification. Enjeux, modalités et rhétoriques de la translation du jeu au travail, Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 202p. URL:

ANDONOVA Yanita (2016), « Éloge de l’indisponibilité numérique au travail », Les Enjeux de l’Information et de la Communication, n°17/3A, 2016, pp.37-48.

ANDONOVA Yanita (2015), « De l’invisibilité des dispositifs numériques à la légitimation de la communication en entreprise », Sociologies pratiques, 1/2005, n°30, pp.43-52. URL :

ALMEIDA Nicole (d’), ANDONOVA Yanita (2013), « La communication des organisations », in Olivesi S. (sous la dir.) Sciences de l’information et de la communication. Objets, savoirs, discipline, PUG, pp.137-153 (première édition 2006).

ANDONOVA Yanita, VACHER Béatrice (2013), coordination dossier thématique « Nouvelles formes de visibilité des individus en entreprise : technologie et temporalité », Communication & Organisation, n°44, décembre 2013. URL :

ANDONOVA Yanita (2004), L’enchevêtrement des techniques, des discours et des pratiques en milieu industriel. Contribution à une approche des usages des TIC, thèse de doctorat en Sciences de l’information et de la communication, CELSA, Paris IV-Sorbonne.

 Additional publications

  8.1 Other articles in academic journals  

CARRÉ Dominique, ANDONOVA Yanita (2020), « The Mirage of Digital Transformation: the French Context Through the Perspective of Two Case Studies », Journal of Economic Boundaries and Transformation, Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 26–42.

ANDONOVA Yanita (2015), « Promesses et paradoxes de la référence créative », Introduction au Supplément 2015 B « Approche critique des injonctions à la créativité : relations entre secteur culturel et monde du travail industriel » (coord.), Les Enjeux de l’information et de la communication, le Gresec, Université Stendhal Grenoble 3, pp.5-15. URL :

ANDONOVA Yanita, BRULOIS Vincent (2015), « За и против социологията, за комуникациите в предприятието и за техните актьори »/ « For and Against Sociology: Communications in Enterprises and the Actors of Communications », revue bulgare Социологически проблеми/ Sociological Problems, 47/2015, pp. 286-301. URL :

ANDONOVA Yanita, VACHER Béatrice (2013), « Introduction » dossier thématique « Nouvelles formes de visibilité des individus en entreprise : technologie et temporalité » (coord.), Communication&Organisation, n°44, décembre 2013, pp.5-14. URL :

ANDONOVA Yanita, BOURRET Christian (2013), « The patient at the heart of the French Healthcare System: challenges and prospects », Health Economics and Management, year XIII, issue 3 (49) 2013, pp.107-110.

CARMES Maryse, ANDONOVA Yanita (2012), « Les politiques numériques internes à l’heure de « l’e-administration » : une analyse des programmes d’action des collectivités territoriales », Communication&Organisation, n°41, pp.87-100. URL :

BOURRET Christian, ANDONOVA Yanita (2012), « Agencements organisationnels et espaces-projets : une approche empirique dans le domaine de la santé », Communication, vol.30/1 (Laval, Québec). URL :

ANDONOVA Yanita (2011), « L’atelier, l’opérateur et les TIC. De la justification aux figures de compromis », Questions de communication, n°19, pp.253-268. URL :

VACHER Béatrice, ANDONOVA Yanita (2011), « La reconnaissance dans les organisations. Précisions terminologiques », Communication, vol.28/2 (Laval, Québec). URL :

ANDONOVA Yanita, VACHER Béatrice (2009), « Visibilité et reconnaissance de l’individu au travail », Communication&Organisation, n°36, pp.136-147. URL :

ALMEIDA Nicole (d’), ANDONOVA Yanita (2008), « A comunicação das organizações », Anuário Unesco/Metodista de Comunicação Regional, vol.12 n°12, jan/dez. 2008, pp. 31-42. URL :

ANDONOVA Yanita (2008), « Enjeux et défis de l’intégration européenne de la Bulgarie », Hermès, CNRS Editions, n°51, pp.113-118. URL :

ANDONOVA Yanita (2006), « Kритичен поглед към приложението на информационнокомуникационните технологии в предприятията. Groupware : еволюция или революция ? », revue bulgare Социологически проблеми, n°1-2/2006, pp.290-304. URL :

ANDONOVA Yanita (2004), « Parcours réflexif de la problématique des usages : une tentative de synthèse », Communication&Organisation, n°25, pp.158-179. URL :

  8.2 Books  

VOVOU I., ANDONOVA Yanita, KOGAN Anne-France (2018) (dir.), « La contagion créative. Médias, industries, récits, communautés », Actes de colloque, Université Panteion, Athènes (Grèce), 246p. ISBN 978-2-9552946-2-8 / EAN 9782955294628  URL :

SAVIGNAC E., ANDONOVA Y., LENEL P., MONJARET A., SEURRAT A. (2017), Le travail de la gamification. Enjeux, modalités et rhétoriques de la translation du jeu au travail, Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 202p. URL:

ANDONOVA Y., KOGAN A-F (2017) (dir.), « Questionner le tournant créatif : dispositifs, processus et représentations », Actes de colloque, Université d’économie de Varna (Bulgarie), 200p. ISBN 978-2-9552946-1-1 / EAN 9782955294611 URL :

Kogan Anne-France, Andonova Yanita (2016) (dir.), « De l’injonction à la créativité à sa mise en oeuvre : quel parallèle entre monde de l’art et monde productif ? », Actes de colloque, MSH Nantes, 167p. ISBN 978-2-9552946-0-4 / 9782955294604 URL :

Andonova Yanita, Kogan Anne-France, Wilhelm Carsten (2014) (dir.), « Injonction de créativité́ et création sous contrainte : parallèles entre secteur culturel et monde du travail à l’épreuve du numérique », Actes de colloque, 82ème Congrès de l’ACFAS, Université́ Concordia, Montréal, Canada, 163p. ISBN 978-2-9549392-0-9 / 9782954939209


VACHER B., ANDONOVA Y., KOGAN A.-F. et al. (2014), Vive la technologie ? Traité de bricolage réfléchi pour épris de liberté́, Paris, Presses des Mines, collection Les carnets de Lilith, 90p. URL :

8.3 Book chapters

ANDONOVA Yanita (2019), « Management algorithmique, communication et digitalisation des pratiques RH », in George E. (dir.), Numérisation généralisée de la société et enjeux sociopolitiques, tome 1, Londres, ISTE, pp.43-54.

ANDONOVA Yanita, MONJARET Anne (2017), « Domestication et transposition du jeu par l’entreprise. Autopsie de la gamification du travail », in Savignac E. et al. (dir.), Le travail de la gamification. Enjeux, modalités et rhétoriques de la translation du jeu au travail, Bruxelles, Peter Lang, pp.55-70.

BOURRET Christian, ANDONOVA Yanita (2010), « Les réseaux de santé en France ou comment créer du lien par la maîtrise de l’information et l’amélioration des processus communicationnels entre les acteurs », in Routier et d’Arripe (sous la dir.), Communication et santé : enjeux contemporains, Septentrion, pp.41-52.

ANDONOVA Yanita (2009), « Usage, mésusage et non-utilisation des TIC : repenser la fracture numérique en entreprise », in Kiyindou A. (sous la dir.) Fractures, mutations, fragmentations : de la diversité des cultures numériques, Éditions Lavoisier, CNRS Éditions, pp.95-111.

ANDONOVA Yanita (2007), « Pluralité et réversibilité des TIC : autres regards, autres réalités », in Lardellier P. et Ricaud Ph. (sous la dir.), Le réseau pensant. Pour comprendre la société numérique, Editions de l’Université de Dijon, pp.51-58.

ALMEIDA Nicole (d’), ANDONOVA Yanita (2006), « La communication des organisations », in Olivesi S. (sous la dir.) Sciences de l’information et de la communication. Objets, savoirs, discipline, PUG, pp.129-143 (nouvelle édition 2013).

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