Full Professor in Information and Communication Sciences at the Sorbonne Paris Nord University
and Director of the Laboratory of Information and Communication Sciences (LabSIC)


Yanita ANDONOVA is a Responsible for the fourth scientific theme “Communication and organization : discourses, actors and practices”. She was a visiting scholar at Salem State University in 2018 and a visiting professor Erasmus+ at Panteion University in Athens (Greece 2018 and 2022), University of Varna (Bulgaria 2013 and 2015) and University of Plovdiv (Bulgaria 2017 and 2021).

Her research focuses on analysis of corporate communication, the visibility and recognition of the individual at work. Il also involves the geopolitical issues of organizational communication, as well as the critical approach of the creative industries. At the same times she investigates the social consequences of using digital tools at different compagnies.

Academic Positions 

  • Full Professor, Sorbonne Paris Nord University, UFR Sciences de l’information et de la communication
  • Deputy Director of the École doctorale Érasme and member of the Board of Directors
  • President of the USPN 71st section expert committee
  • Elected member of the UFR Council (college A)
  • Director of the Master’s degree in Organizational Communication
  • Head of Master 1 and 2 Communication and HR (initial training)

Research Activities

  • Researcher at LabSic (Laboratory of Information and Communication Sciences), since 2010 (, at the Labex ICCA « Cultural Industries and Artistic Creation » and at the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Paris Nord
  • Scientific leader of the project « Work and creativity: a cross-fertilized approach at the international level » (2016-2019), supported by the ICCA Labex and MSH Paris Nord, where I coordinate a team of 6 French, Bulgarian, Greek and Italian researchers.
  • Coordinator of CREA2S international network (Creative Shift Studies): This international network was created in 2017, at the initiative of several colleagues wishing to bring together researchers and scientific teams around issues related to the creative shift taking place in different areas of contemporary economies. By adopting a critical stance towards the hegemonic discourse on creativity and the creative industries, the contributions study the implementation of the latter in organizations.
  • Scientific leader of five international conferences (2014, 2015, 2017, 2018 and 2022)

Scientific publications in foreign languages

  • LINDENMEYER, BEVIERE, CHOCRON, ANDONOVA et al. (2023), « The Challenges and Effects Of Digital Medical Deviceson The Doctor-Patient Relationship, As Seen Through The Lensof Treating Sleep Apnoea”, Journal international de bioéthique et d’éthique des sciences, Vol.34 (1), pp.91-127; URL:
  • D’ALMEIDA Nicole, ANDONOVA Yanita (2022), « Il nuovo disordine geopolitico. Grandezza e miseria della globalizzazione », Hermès Italia, CNRS Éditions, n°1, pp.158-162. URL :
  • ANDONOVA Yanita, KOGAN Anne-France, KRASTANOVA Krassimira (2022), “Craftwork, design, creativity : between tradition and contemporaneity”, Proceedings, 8-10 June 2022, Paissii Hilendarski University, Plovdiv (Bulgaria).
  • CARRÉ Dominique, ANDONOVA Yanita (2020), « The Mirage of Digital Transformation: the French Context Through the Perspective of Two Case Studies », Journal of Economic Boundaries and Transformation, Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 26–42. URL :
  • ANDONOVA Yanita (2019), « Algorithmic Management, Organizational Changes and the Digitalization of HR Practices: A Critical Perspective », in George E. Digitalization of Society and Sociopolitical Issues 1: Digital, Communication and Culture, ISTE/Wiley, pp.27-37. 
  • VOVOU I., ANDONOVA Y., KOGAN A-F (2018), « The creative contagion. Media, industries, storytelling, communities », Proceedings , Panteion University, Athens (Greece).
  • ANDONOVA Yanita, BRULOIS Vincent (2015), « За и против социологията, за комуникациите в предприятието и за техните актьори »/ « For and Against Sociology: Communications in Enterprises and the Actors of Communications », revue bulgare Социологически проблеми/ Sociological Problems, 47/2015, pp. 286-301. URL :
  • ANDONOVA Yanita (2015), «Културните и креативни индустрии като фактор за развитие на туризма : практики във Франция», colloque international « Le tourisme à l’époque de la transformation », Jubilé des 50 ans de la Chaire du Tourisme, Université d’économie de Varna, 6-7 novembre 2015.
  • ANDONOVA Yanita, BOURRET Christian (2013), « The patient at the heart of the French Healthcare System: challenges and prospects », Health Economics and Management, year XIII, issue 3 (49) 2013, pp.107-110.
  • VACHER B., ANDONOVA Y., WILHELM C. (2012), « Prácticas sociales de la Comunicación sobre el medio ambiente en la sociedad de riesgo », IVème Congrès de la Société latine de la communication sociale, table ronde Franco-Espagnole Tenerife 4-7 dec, Espagne.
  • VACHER B. (Moderadora), ANDONOVA Y., BERMEJO J., BOUZON A., PINUEL J.L. (2010), “Debate sobre perspectivas teóricas en torno a la comunicación en las organizaciones, en España y en Francia”, II Congreso Internacional de l’AE-IC, Comunicación y desarrollo en la era digital, 3 a 5 de febrero 2010, Malaga, Espagne. 
  • ALMEIDA Nicole (d’), ANDONOVA Yanita (2008), « A comunicação das organizações », Anuário Unesco/Metodista de Comunicação Regional, vol.12 n°12, jan/dez. 2008, pp. 31-42.
  • ANDONOVA Yanita (2006), « Kритичен поглед към приложението наинформационнокомуникационните технологии в предприятиятаGroupware еволюция илиреволюция ? », revue bulgare Социологически проблеми, n°1-2/2006, pp.290-304. URL :
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