Vidal Geneviève

Geneviève VIDAL

Position: Associate Professor with an HDR diploma in Information and Communication Sciences

Areas of Expertise: digital uses and socio-politics of social informatization


Location: Campus Condorcet, Bâtiment Sud, LabSIC, 8 Cours des Humanités, 93300 Aubervilliers, France


Taking a critical approach based on her concept of “negotiated renunciation,” Geneviève Vidal studies the uses and appropriation of information and communication technologies (ICT) in relation to social informatization, within a context of permanent innovation, digital injunctions creating the conditions for data flow use and traceability, and the contemporary implementation of artificial intelligence and algorithms that serve socio- economic strategies supported by policies encouraging the digital economy. Through this study of digital uses, she highlights a social acceptance of algorithmic and surveillance technologies. Her research thus underscores an ambivalence in the sociopolitical dynamic around critical analyses of ICT in society.

Now at the onset of a new decade, Vidal has sought to pursue research on the uses of digital devices in museums, communication technologies in pervasive networks, and the practices of artists (French-German collaborations), while preserving the artist’s image as a figure of independence and creativity. More recently, she has begun studying the uses of health-related smart objects within an interdisciplinary collaborative context: medicine, computer science, legal sciences, sociology, psychology, and information and communication sciences. She is engaged in publication and communication activities (conferences, organizing professional development days); managing study and research programs with interdisciplinary dynamics (humanities, engineering sciences); and participating in scientific conference committees (national, territorial, European, international) and academic journal reviews, including: the Franco-Canadian journal Tic et Société; co-heading the series “Informatique et Société connectées,” London, ISTE éditions, the series Information Systems, Web and Pervasive Computing (published in French and English). She remains active as well in larger public circles of communication, as a way to engage in social debates.

List of research topics

Core research: uses and appropriation of digital information and communication technologies, particularly within the museum sector, as well as in the arts and (more recently) the health sector, and the sociopolitical issues resulting from society’s intensified computerization.

Research and Studies with MSH Paris Nord, Labex ICCA, in collaboration with the CIS (Center for Internet and Society) at CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research), APHP (Public Assistance Hospital of Paris, in the Digital Medical Hub, Hôpital Bichat), Ecole Centrale de Nantes, the Institute of Sociology at the University of Halle-Germany, MSH Aquitaine, the Institut Acte Panthéon-Sorbonne, the UDPN (uses of digital heritage at the USPC), the EPCC (Public Establishment of Cultural Cooperation) Grenoble-Alpes, with the association of Creis-Terminal researchers (computer science and humanities), as well as exploratory research at the Carrefour numérique de Universcience, and numerous studies for art, science, history, and society museums.

Current scientific, administrative, and pedagogical responsibilities

Within the Department of Communication Sciences at the Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, Vidal coordinates the Master 2 program in Communication Innovations.


Vidal obtained an HDR (qualified diploma to supervise research), after completing a PhD in Information and Communication Sciences and a dual master’s degree in Cultural Mediation and Art-Science-Economy. She has been a doctoral supervisor since 2010.

5 most recent publications

Vidal Geneviève, Papilloud Christian, 2021 (en cours), La Double vie d’artiste, Nouvelles éditions Laplace, collection Regard des sciences.

Vidal Geneviève, 2021 (en cours), Innover sans subversir : une stratégie de positionnement professionnel, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux.

Alexis Lucie, Vidal Geneviève, 2021 (en cours), « L’innovation ouverte dans les institutions patrimoniales », in Les usages et pratiques des patrimoines numérisés, UDPN.

Vidal Geneviève, 2020, « Vers de nouvelles boites noires de la surveillance numérique », in Visibles et invisibles dans les pratiques médiatiques et les interactions en réseaux, Monique Commandre, Bertrand Mocquet et Lise Vieira (dir.), Perpignan, Presses Universitaires de Perpignan, collection Etudes, pp. 161-168

Other publications of interest


Vidal Geneviève, 2018, La médiation numérique muséale : un renouvellement de la diffusion culturelle, Bordeaux,

Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, collection Labyrinthes, 212 pages

Carré Dominique, Vidal Geneviève, 2018, Hyperconnectivité. Enjeux économiques, sociaux et environnementaux, London, ISTE éditions, en français et en anglais

Vidal Geneviève (dir.), 2012, La sociologie des usages : continuités et transformations, Paris-Londres, Hermes Science Publication, Lavoisier, Traité des sciences et techniques de l’information, 251 pages.

Book chapters

Vidal Geneviève et Panico Robert, 2019, « Pratiques numériques, pratiques culturelles, sous surveillance », in Numérisation de la société et enjeux sociopolitiques, Eric George (dir.), Iste Editions, pp. 67-75

Vidal Geneviève, 2018, « La médiation muséale numérique : des dispositifs de prescription ? », in Prescription culturelle : avatars et mediamorphoses, Brigitte Chapelain, Sylvie Ducas (dir.), Villeurbanne, Presses de l’ENSSIB, collection Papiers, pp. 253-269.


Vidal Geneviève, 2019, « La prescription au coeur des médiations numériques muséales », Revue française des sciences de l’information et de la communication, 16, [En ligne] :

Vidal Geneviève, Gagnebien Anne, Schultze Eva-Maria et Papilloud Christian, 2017, « L’art et la manière. Artistes des arts numériques, positionnement professionnel et créativité artistique en France et en Allemagne », Communiquer, 21, [En ligne] :

Vidal Geneviève, 2017, « Etudes qualitatives d’usages numériques et approche critique », Approches inductives, Volume 4, Numéro 2, pp. 160–183, approchesind03440/1043435ar/

Other activities and publications for a general audience

In collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, the Palais de Tokyo, the Research and Policy Steering Department Scientific Directorate General of Heritage-Ministry of Culture, the National Heritage Institute (INP), the IRIInstitut Research and Innovation Center Pompidou, Gaité Lyrique, Encyclopaedia Universalis.

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