Maria Adib Doss ( Maria Doss )

Associate Professor

Maria Doss is an Associate Professor at Sorbonne Paris-Nord University Paris 13, a member of LabSIC  (EA 1803) and an associate Researcher at CARISM, IFP of University Paris II Panthéon-Assas (EA 2293)

Her research focuses on the intricate relationship between sociopolitical dynamics and media in the Middle East. She explores how sociopolitical shifts intersect with transformations in the audiovisual landscape, examining topics such as media regulation, community media, and online activism. Through a critical media lens, her work blends insights from political science, communication studies, and television discourse analysis.

Currently, her work explores how the platformization of media production is contributing to ongoing transformations in the production, circulation, and negotiation of meaning within cultural productions in the Middle East. Her research particularly focuses on media convergence, examining both its potential to reshape cultural dynamics and the ways in which existing cultural practices shape its uptake and consequences. In parallel, she conducts in-depth field studies on independent online media in the Arab World, investigating their role within this evolving media landscape.

✍🏻Research Topics :

  • Media and socio-political dynamics :
    • Transnational media and democracy
    • Transformations of the Audiovisual Landscape in the Middle East
    • Media Regulation, Authoritarianism
    • Political Talk Shows
    • Online Activism
    • Independent Online Media
  • Platforms, media and cultural productions :
    • Platformization of Media Production and its Implications in production and circulation
    • Media Convergence
    • Cultural proximity and content circulation

✍🏻 Career :

She hold a PhD in political science entitled “Talk-shows in Egypt, From a tool for modernizing authoritarianism, to arenas of dissenting speech. Putting into perspective a revolutionary situation (January 25 – February 11, 2011)”, from the University Paris II Panthéon-Assas and co-supervised by UMR Development and Society UMR 201 (Paris I-IRD), defended in 2018. She analysed a substantial television archives and a field study of several years, she demonstrated how these shows, initially designed to modernize an authoritarian regime, were transformed into platforms of political dissent by the opposition and various actors of the egyptian public sphere.

Between 2017 and 2023, she taught Information and Communication Science, Political Science, Media Internationalization, and Media Anthropology in several institutions, notably at the IUT of Bobigny in the Department of Multimedia and Internet Professions at the University Sorbonne Paris Nord (2022-2023), at the Faculty of Economic, Social and Territorial Sciences, License “cultural studies – culture and media path” at the University of Lille (2021-2022), at the French Press Institute at the University Paris II Panthéon Sorbonne (2019-2021), and at the Faculty of Political Science in the Department of Political Science at the University of Cairo (2010-2019).

She obtained her Master’s in Political Studies from the University Paris II Panthéon-Assas in 2010. Prior to the uprisings in the Arab-speaking countries in 2011, she analyzed the activist dynamics and how activists organised their action on Facebook pages in Egypt.

➽ Scientific responsibilities

  • Since 2021: she has been co-directing the project  » Platforms and media productions in the MENA Region » (MSH-Paris Nors, Labex ICCA):
  • Since 2023 : Coorganizer of the seminar : « Production and Circulation of Cultural Industries: The Case of the Middle East and North Africa » (Labex-ICCA), since 2023 :

✍🏻Publications :

Recent Communications :
  • Adib Doss Maria, Azizi Asmaa, « A look at the landscape of streaming platforms in the MENA region. The complexity of geographical, political and economic interweaving of an offer », Conference Emergencies: Media in an Unpredictable World, European Network for Cinema and Media Studies – NECS , Izmir, Turquie (2024)
  • « Actors in action, actors in reaction: The strategies of content producers in response to the audiovisual platformization”,», Journée d’étude Streaming plateforms in the MENA region, Campus Condorcet. (2023)
  • « Entre régulation et censure : l’audiovisuel de Moubarak à Abdel Fatah Al-Sissi », Journée d’étude Reconfiguration des espaces médiatiques et politique en Afrique du Nord, ERC – TARICA- CNRS (2021)
  • « Les talk-shows politiques en Egypte avant la révolution : des arènes de dissidence sous contrôle », Séminaire Productions et circulations des biens culturels : le cas des pays de l’Afrique du Nord et du Moyen-Orient, organisé par le Centre européen de sociologie et de science politique (CESSP) et le Laboratoire des sciences de l’information et de la communication (LABSIC) dans le cadre du LabEX « Industries culturelles et création artistique » (ICCA). (2021)
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